Do These 3 Things before ANY Interview
So, you landed an interview? Here are 3 Things to do before ANY interview that are sure to boost your chances of a job offer you will actually be happy with.
Notebook to write your top three things to do before an interview under "Plan."
Career Coach's 3 Interview Prep Tips
Create (in writing) a 2-4 bullet point outline on the 5-6 thematic topics you expect to be interviewed about. For instance - Why do you want to work for this firm and why this particular division and/or role, etc.)?
Always "take a deep breath" before the start of an interview to calm your nerves. Demonstrating confidence throughout the interview (even if you are a little nervous) really scores points, so set yourself up with some preemptive stress relief and recalibration - maybe deep breaths, some exercise the morning or night before, eating things that help supply your brain and body with nutrients but don't create a crash and any other way!
Always have at least two relevant questions to ask your Interviewer at the end if your interview. One can be focused on something of relevance to the Company and the other can be focused more personally on your Interviewer.
Why are interview skills important?
Your interview skills are directly related to your ability to secure a job that aligns with your goals, dreams, skills and experience.
I've distilled my decades of experience in HR and talent acquisition, interviewing applicants, and as a mentor to bring these 3 starter tips! But from prepping to how to conduct yourself during and after and navigating any follow-up interactions, there's a lot to consider.
How to Boost Interview Skills More
If after reading these 3 Things before ANY Interview, you decide it's time to lay a more solid foundation to reach your interviewing goals, check out more free tips in Early Career Executive Coaching's Free Top 10 Tips for Acing Your Interview!